Rush - "Exit...Stage Left" (1981)

Rating: B


  1. Dynamic Performance: "Exit...Stage Left" captures the raw energy and exceptional musicianship of Rush in a live setting. The band's performance is tight, and each member showcases their instrumental prowess.

  2. Song Selection: The album features a well-curated selection of Rush's most iconic tracks, spanning their earlier albums up to "Moving Pictures." From the intricate "Jacob's Ladder" to the anthemic "Tom Sawyer," the setlist represents the band's diverse musical catalog.

  3. Sound Quality: The production quality is impressive, capturing the essence of Rush's live sound without sacrificing clarity. The mix allows each instrument to shine, maintaining the balance essential for a band known for their complex arrangements.

  4. Showmanship: The album effectively captures Rush's on-stage charisma and connection with the audience. The banter between songs provides a glimpse into the band's personality, adding a personal touch to the live experience.


  1. Limited Setlist Diversity: While the chosen tracks are undeniably fantastic, some fans might miss a broader representation of Rush's discography. The focus on material from "Moving Pictures" and earlier albums leaves out some excellent later works.

  2. Occasional Vocal Strain: Geddy Lee's vocal range is impressive, but in a few instances, particularly on songs originally recorded in a higher register, there's a noticeable strain. This is a minor flaw in an otherwise stellar live performance.

  3. Transition Between Tracks: The abrupt transitions between some tracks can be jarring, possibly affecting the overall flow of the live experience. A more seamless editing approach could have enhanced the cohesion of the album.


"Exit...Stage Left" stands as a testament to Rush's live prowess and musical genius. The album successfully captures the essence of their electrifying performances, offering fans a front-row seat to the band's peak years. While there are minor imperfections, they pale in comparison to the overall excellence of this live recording. A must-have for Rush enthusiasts and a solid entry point for those new to the band's unparalleled progressive rock legacy.


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